1. Overview

In this tutorial, we’ll explain the return keyword in Scala.

The Scala programming language, much like Java, has the return keyword, but its use is highly discouraged as it can easily change the meaning of a program and make code hard to reason about.

2. Introduction

In Java, the return keyword is mandatory and is used to complete the execution of a method:

public boolean isEven(int number){
   return number % 2 == 0;

We can also use the return keyword in Scala:

private def isEven(number : Int) : Boolean = {
    return number % 2 == 0

But in Scala, the return keyword is optional, as the Scala compiler treats the value of the last execution within a function as the return value so that we can rewrite our function:

private def isEven(number : Int) : Boolean = {
   number % 2 == 0

Now, why are we discouraged from using the return keyword in Scala if it behaves the same way as in Java and has the same semantics?

3. Referential Transparency

A piece of code is defined as referentially transparent if we can safely replace that piece of code with the value it computes and vice-versa, anywhere where that piece is used, without changing the meaning or result of our program. 

If the return keyword is referentially transparent, then we should replace the expression that uses the return keyword with its value:

private def isPositiveNumber1(number : Int ) : Boolean = {
   val isTrue = return true
   val isFalse = return false

   if(number > 0) isTrue else isFalse

private def isPositiveNumber2(number : Int ) : Boolean = {
  if(number > 0) return true else return false

println(isPositiveNumber1(-1)) // true 
println(isPositiveNumber2(-1)) // false

We can see in our example that by replacing a value with its computation using the return keyword, some inconsistencies arise. The entire program changes, which breaks referential transparency.

Now, let’s see what happens when we don’t use the return keyword:

private def isPositiveNumber1(number : Int ) : Boolean = {
   val isTrue = true
   val isFalse = false

   if(number > 0) isTrue else isFalse

private def isPositiveNumber2(number : Int ) : Boolean = {
  if(number > 0) true else false

println(isPositiveNumber1(-1)) // false
println(isPositiveNumber2(-1)) // false

We see that our program didn’t change, which means we maintained referential transparency.

The return keyword isn’t referentially transparent because the return keyword or expression, when evaluated, abandons the current computation and returns to the caller of the method in which return appears.

4. Inlining

Inlining refers to replacing a function call with its body or definition.

Let’s see how using the return keyword causes inconsistencies when inlining a function. First, we define a function that uses the return keyword, and see if it gives us our desired result:

def multiplier(a : Int, b: Int) : Int = return a * b
val randomNumbers = List(1,2,3,4)
def multiple(numbers : List[Int]) : Int = {
println(multiple(randomNumbers)) // 24

This works as expected. Now, what happens when we inline the multiplier function by replacing the function with its content:

val randomNumbers = List(1,2,3,4)
def multiple(numbers : List[Int]) : Int = {
  numbers.foldLeft(1){(a,b) => return a * b}
println(multiple(randomNumbers)) // 1 ??

We get the wrong result. This is because the return keyword abandons the current computation and returns whatever was passed to it at the time it was evaluated, which in the case of our foldLeft is 1.

5. Early return

We may be wondering how we can implement early returns if we aren’t supposed to use the return keyword. This is where we’re advised to use other mechanisms such as recursion.

Let’s see how we could write our version of indexOf in Java if it wasn’t already a method on the String class:

int indexOf(String string, char character){
    if(string.isEmpty()) {
        return -1;
    } else {
        int index = -1;
        int i;
        char[] stringArray = string.toCharArray();
        for(i= 0; i <= string.length() - 1; i++){
            if (stringArray[i] == character)
                return i;
        return index;

We return early when we find the index. How do we do this in Scala if we aren’t supposed to use the return keyword to break out of a loop?

This is where we can use functional programming methods such as recursion, which makes our code easier to understand:

def indexOf(string : String , char : Char) : Int = {
   def runner(stringList : List[Char], index : Int) : Int = {
     stringList match {
       case Nil => -1
       case h :: _ if h == char => index + 1
       case _ :: t => runner(t , index + 1)
   if(string.isEmpty) -1 else runner(string.toList, -1)
println(indexOf("hello",'h') // 0
println(indexOf("hello",'z') // -1

There’s no return keyword insight, and our program works just fine.

6. Conclusion

In this article, we’ve seen how the return keyword in Scala shares similarities with its Java counterpart and why it’s not advisable to use the keyword as it breaks referential transparency. We may think that there may be a use case for using the return keyword in Scala, but there’s really none.

As usual, the source code can be found over on GitHub.