1. Overview

In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to configure observability with Spring Boot 3. Observability is the ability to measure the internal state of a system only by its external outputs (logs, metrics, and traces). We can learn about the basics in “Observability in Distributed Systems.”

Furthermore, we must be aware that there are significant changes between Spring Boot 2 (Spring 5) and Spring Boot 3 (Spring 6). Spring 6 introduces Spring Observability, a new initiative that builds on Micrometer and Micrometer Tracing (formerly Spring Cloud Sleuth). It’s more for efficiently recording application metrics with Micrometer and implementing tracing through providers, such as OpenZipkin’s Brave or OpenTelemetry. Spring Observability scores over agent-based observability solutions, as it works seamlessly in natively compiled Spring applications, and more effectively provides better information.

Here, we’ll only capture the details concerning Spring Boot 3. If we want to migrate from Spring Boot 2, we can find detailed instructions here.

2. Micrometer Observation API

Micrometer is a project that provides a vendor-neutral application metrics facade. It defines concepts like meters, rate aggregation, counters, gauges, and timers that each vendor can adapt to their own concepts and tooling. One core part is the Observation API, which allows instrumenting the code once, and has multiple benefits.

It’s included as a dependency of several parts of the Spring Framework, so we need to know this API in order to understand how observation works in Spring Boot. We can do this with a simple example.

2.1. Observation and ObservationRegistry

From dictionary.com, an observation is “an act or instance of viewing or noting a fact or occurrence for some scientific or another special purpose.” In our code, we can observe single operations or complete HTTP request handling. Within these observations, we can take measurements, create spans for distributed tracing, or just log out additional information.

To create an observation, we need an ObservationRegistry:

ObservationRegistry observationRegistry = ObservationRegistry.create();
Observation observation = Observation.createNotStarted("sample", observationRegistry);

Observations have a lifecycle that’s as simple as this diagram shows:

Observation StateChart

We can use the Observation type like this:

try (Observation.Scope scope = observation.openScope()) {
    // ... the observed action
} catch (Exception e) {
    // further exception handling
} finally {

Or simply:

observation.observe(() -> {
    // ... the observed action

2.2. ObservationHandler

The data-collecting code is implemented as an ObservationHandler. This handler gets notified about the Observation‘s lifecycle events, and therefore provides callback methods. A simple handler that just prints out the events can be implemented this way:

public class SimpleLoggingHandler implements ObservationHandler<Observation.Context> {

    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SimpleLoggingHandler.class);

    public boolean supportsContext(Observation.Context context) {
        return true;

    public void onStart(Observation.Context context) {

    public void onScopeOpened(Observation.Context context) {
        log.info("Scope opened");

    public void onScopeClosed(Observation.Context context) {
        log.info("Scope closed");

    public void onStop(Observation.Context context) {

    public void onError(Observation.Context context) {

We then register the ObservationHandler at the ObservationRegistry before creating the Observation:

  .observationHandler(new SimpleLoggingHandler());

For simple logging, an implementation already exists. For instance, to simply log events to the console, we can use:

  .observationHandler(new ObservationTextPublisher(System.out::println));

To use timer samples and counters, we can configure this:

MeterRegistry meterRegistry = new SimpleMeterRegistry();
  .observationHandler(new DefaultMeterObservationHandler(meterRegistry));

// ... observe using Observation with name "sample"

// fetch maximum duration of the named observation
Optional<Double> maximumDuration = meterRegistry.getMeters().stream()
  .filter(m -> "sample".equals(m.getId().getName()))
  .flatMap(m -> StreamSupport.stream(m.measure().spliterator(), false))
  .filter(ms -> ms.getStatistic() == Statistic.MAX)

3. Spring Integration

3.1. Actuator

We get the best integration in a Spring Boot app with the Actuator dependency:


It contains an ObservationAutoConfiguration that provides an injectable instance of ObservationRegistry (if it doesn’t already exist), and configures ObservationHandlers for collecting metrics and traces.

For example, we can use the registry to create a custom observation within a service:

public class GreetingService {

    private ObservationRegistry observationRegistry;

    // constructor

    public String sayHello() {
        return Observation
          .createNotStarted("greetingService", observationRegistry)

    private String sayHelloNoObserver() {
        return "Hello World!";

Furthermore, it registers ObservationHandler beans at the ObservationRegistry. We only need to provide the beans:

public class ObservationTextPublisherConfiguration {

    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ObservationTextPublisherConfiguration.class);

    public ObservationHandler<Observation.Context> observationTextPublisher() {
        return new ObservationTextPublisher(log::info);

3.2. Web

For MVC and WebFlux, there are Filters that can be used for HTTP server observations:

  • org.springframework.web.filter.ServerHttpObservationFilter for Spring MVC
  • org.springframework.web.filter.reactive.ServerHttpObservationFilter for WebFlux

When Actuator is part of our application, those filters are already registered and active. If not, we need to configure them:

public class ObservationFilterConfiguration {

    // if an ObservationRegistry is configured
    // if we do not use Actuator
    public ServerHttpObservationFilter observationFilter(ObservationRegistry registry) {
        return new ServerHttpObservationFilter(registry);

We can find further details about observability integration in Spring Web in the documentation.

3.3. AOP

The Micrometer Observation API also declares an @Observed annotation with an aspect implementation based on AspectJ. To get this to work, we need to add the AOP dependency to our project:


Then we’ll register the aspect implementation as a Spring-managed bean:

public class ObservedAspectConfiguration {

    public ObservedAspect observedAspect(ObservationRegistry observationRegistry) {
        return new ObservedAspect(observationRegistry);

Now, instead of creating an Observation in our code, we can write the GreetingService shortly:

@Observed(name = "greetingService")
public class GreetingService {

    public String sayHello() {
        return "Hello World!";

In combination with Actuator, we can read out the pre-configured metrics (after we’ve invoked the service at least once) using http://localhost:8080/actuator/metrics/greetingService and we’ll get a result like this:

    "name": "greetingService",
    "baseUnit": "seconds",
    "measurements": [
            "statistic": "COUNT",
            "value": 15
            "statistic": "TOTAL_TIME",
            "value": 0.0237577
            "statistic": "MAX",
            "value": 0.0035475

4. Testing Observations

Micrometer Observability API provides a module that allows us to write tests. To do so, we need to add this dependency:


The micrometer-bom is part of the managed dependencies of Spring Boot, so we don’t need to specify any version.

Because the whole observability auto-configuration is disabled for tests by default, we need to re-enable it using @AutoConfigureObservability whenever we want to test the default observations.

4.1. TestObservationRegistry

We can use a TestObservationRegistry that allows AssertJ-based assertions. As such, we have to replace the ObservationRegistry, which is already in the context, with the TestObservationRegistry instance.

So, for example, if we want to test the observation of the GreetingService, we can use this test setup:

@ComponentScan(basePackageClasses = GreetingService.class)
class GreetingServiceObservationTest {

    GreetingService service;
    TestObservationRegistry registry;

    static class ObservationTestConfiguration {

        TestObservationRegistry observationRegistry() {
            return TestObservationRegistry.create();

    // ...

We can also configure this using JUnit Meta Annotations:

public @interface EnableTestObservation {

    class ObservationTestConfiguration {

        TestObservationRegistry observationRegistry() {
            return TestObservationRegistry.create();

Next, we need to add the annotation to our test class:

@ComponentScan(basePackageClasses = GreetingService.class)
class GreetingServiceObservationTest {

    GreetingService service;
    TestObservationRegistry registry;

    // ...

Then we can invoke the service, and check that the observation was done:

import static io.micrometer.observation.tck.TestObservationRegistryAssert.assertThat;

// ...

void testObservation() {
    // invoke service

4.2. Observation Handler Compatibility Kits

To test our ObservationHandler implementations, there are a couple of base classes (so-called Compatibility Kits) that we can inherit from in our tests:

  • NullContextObservationHandlerCompatibilityKit tests that the observation handler works correctly in case of null value parameters.
  • AnyContextObservationHandlerCompatibilityKit tests that the observation handler works correctly in case of an unspecified test context parameter. This also includes the NullContextObservationHandlerCompatibilityKit.
  • ConcreteContextObservationHandlerCompatibilityKit tests that the observation handler works correctly in case of a context kind of test context.

The implementation is simple:

public class SimpleLoggingHandlerTest
  extends AnyContextObservationHandlerCompatibilityKit {

    SimpleLoggingHandler handler = new SimpleLoggingHandler();

    public ObservationHandler<Observation.Context> handler() {
        return handler;

This will lead to the following output:

Test results with the compatibility kit

5. Micrometer Tracing

The former Spring Cloud Sleuth project has moved to Micrometer, the core to Micrometer Tracing since Spring Boot 3. We can find the definition of Micrometer Tracing in the documentation:

Micrometer Tracing provides a simple facade for the most popular tracer libraries, letting you instrument your JVM-based application code without vendor lock-in. It is designed to add little to no overhead to your tracing collection activity while maximizing the portability of your tracing effort.

We can use it standalone, but it also integrates with the Observation API by providing ObservationHandler extensions.

5.1. Integration Into Observation API

To use Micrometer Tracing, we need to add the following dependency to our project. The version is managed by Spring Boot:


Next, we need one of the supported tracers (currently OpenZipkin Brave or OpenTelemetry). We then have to add a dependency for the vendor-specific integration into Micrometer Tracing:




Spring Actuator has auto-configuration for both tracers, i.e., it registers the vendor-specific objects and the Micrometer Tracing ObservationHandler implementations, delegating these objects into the application context. So there’s no need for further configuration steps.

5.2. Test Support

For testing purposes, we need to add the following dependency to our project. The version is managed by Spring Boot:


Then we can use the SimpleTracer class to collect and verify tracing data during tests. To get it to work, we’ll replace the original, vendor-specific Tracer with the SimpleTracer in the application context. And we also have to remember to enable the auto-configuration for tracing by using @AutoConfigureObservability.

So the minimal test configuration for tracing could look like this:

public class GreetingServiceTracingTest {

    static class ObservationTestConfiguration {
        TestObservationRegistry observationRegistry() {
            return TestObservationRegistry.create();
        SimpleTracer simpleTracer() {
            return new SimpleTracer();

    void shouldTrace() {
        // test

Or, if we use the JUnit meta-annotation:

public @interface EnableTestObservation {

    class ObservationTestConfiguration {

        TestObservationRegistry observationRegistry() {
            return TestObservationRegistry.create();

        SimpleTracer simpleTracer() {
            return new SimpleTracer();

We can then test our GreetingService by the following sample test:

import static io.micrometer.tracing.test.simple.TracerAssert.assertThat;

// ...

GreetingService service;
SimpleTracer tracer;

// ...

void testTracingForGreeting() {

6. Conclusion

In this article, we explored the Micrometer Observation API and the integration into Spring Boot 3. We learned that Micrometer is an API for vendor-independent instrumentation, and that Micrometer Tracing is an extension. We also determined that Actuator has a set of pre-configured observations and tracings, and that observability auto-configuration is disabled for tests by default.

As usual, all the code implementations are available over on GitHub.