1. Overview

In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to use FlexyPool with Spring Boot and H2 using HikariCP. It’s a powerful connection pool manager built on top of major connection pools.

2. What Is FlexyPool?

Connection pooling is an important aspect of modern web applications. Because it ensures that database connections are shared among multiple clients. That’s how that technique allows faster and more efficient access to the database.

However, managing connection pools can be a complex and challenging task. It’s particularly visible when the number of clients and the complexity of the application increases. That’s precisely where FlexyPool comes in handy.

FlexyPool is a powerful connection pool management tool. Indeed, it makes it easy to manage database connections and optimize performance. Simply put, FlexyPool acts as a proxy to major connection pools such as Hikari, C3P0, DBCP2, Tomcat, and Vibur. To achieve its goal, the library provides metrics and failover strategies to help resize a given pool on demand:


2.1. FlexyPool Properties

FlexyPool provides two important properties:

  • connectionAcquireTimeThresholdMillis: Specifies a time threshold for the connection acquire request. Passed this time, a ConnectionAcquireTimeThresholdExceededEvent is published.
  • connectionLeaseTimeThresholdMillis: It’s the maximum time a connection can be leased out before it’s returned to the pool. Flexypool publishes a ConnectionLeaseTimeThresholdExceededEvent when the pool exceeds this threshold.

2.2. FlexyPool Strategies

FlexyPool offers two strategies to respond to a connection acquisition failure in a connection pool.

The first strategy is IncrementPoolOnTimeoutConnectionAcquiringStrategy. With this strategy, FlexyPool increments the target connection pool maximum size if there’s a timeout during connection acquisition. The strategy takes two options – maxOverflowPoolSize, and timeoutMillis.

maxOverflowPoolSize sets the maximum limit a target connection pool can stretch to.

timeoutMillis sets the duration before a pool increment is attempted. It defaults to the connection pool timeout value.

The strategy RetryConnectionAcquiringStrategy instructs FlexyPool to retry getting a connection from the pool for retryAttempts times before giving up. retryAttempts stands for the number of retries to attempt.

We’ll set all these strategies in the FlexyPoolDataSource configuration.

3. Installation

First, let’s install HikariCP connection pool:


Next, we’ll add FlexyPool dependencies, HikariCP adapter, and Micrometer adapter:


Since we use Micrometer as the metrics implementation, we’ve excluded Dropwizard-Metrics, which comes by default. Besides, FlexyPool has installation guides for other supported connection pool frameworks. It’s also useful to consult it if the Java version in use is lower than 1.8.

4. Configuration

To get FlexyPool up and running, we’ll first need a FlexyPoolDataSource data source. It requires a data source specific to the connection pool in use, HikariDataSource data source in our case. Let’s set them all up.

4.1. HikariDataSource Configuration

First, we configure the Hikari data source with an in-memory H2 database:

public HikariDataSource hikariDataSource() {

    HikariConfig config = new HikariConfig();
    config.setJdbcUrl("jdbc:h2:mem:test;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1;INIT=runscript from 'classpath:/db.sql'");
    config.addDataSourceProperty("cachePrepStmts", "true");
    config.addDataSourceProperty("prepStmtCacheSize", "250");
    config.addDataSourceProperty("prepStmtCacheSqlLimit", "2048");
    config.addDataSourceProperty("minimumPoolSize", "1");
    config.addDataSourceProperty("maximumPoolSize", "3");
    config.addDataSourceProperty("connectionTimeout", "1000");
    return new HikariDataSource(config);

Here, we add maximumPoolSize and connectionTimeout properties. As we’ve seen before, they’re useful to FlexyPool’s IncrementPoolOnTimeoutConnectionAcquiringStrategy.

Next, we wire a configuration bean using HikariDataSource:

public Configuration<HikariDataSource> flexypoolConfiguration() {
    HikariDataSource dataSource = hikariDataSource();
    return new Configuration.Builder<>(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), dataSource, HikariCPPoolAdapter.FACTORY)
      .setEventListenerResolver(() -> Arrays.asList(
        new ConnectionAcquireTimeoutEventListener(), 
        new ConnectionAcquireTimeThresholdExceededEventListener(), 
        new ConnectionLeaseTimeThresholdExceededEventListener()))

This configuration:

  • Enables JMX reporting
  • Sets the metrics implementation to Micrometer. The Micrometer adapter uses the SimpleMetricsRegistry by default. However, it can be customized to use an integrated monitoring report tool, such as Ganglia or Graphite.
  • Adds listeners to various connection events: ConnectionAcquireTimeoutEvent, ConnectionAcquireTimeThresholdExceededEvent, and ConnectionLeaseTimeThresholdExceeded. Notably,  those listeners are synchronous and shouldn’t perform time-consuming tasks.
  • Sets the connection lease time to 250 ms
  • Sets the connection acquire time to 50ms

4.2. FlexyPoolDataSource Configuration

Let’s configure a FlexyPoolDataSource bean:

@Bean(initMethod = "start", destroyMethod = "stop")
public FlexyPoolDataSource<HikariDataSource> flexypoolDataSource() {
    Configuration<HikariDataSource> configuration = flexypoolConfiguration();
    return new FlexyPoolDataSource<>(
      new IncrementPoolOnTimeoutConnectionAcquiringStrategy.Factory<>(5), 
      new RetryConnectionAcquiringStrategy.Factory<>(2));

This FlexyPoolDataSource adds five more connections to the Hikari pool on connection timeout. It also retries connecting at most twice if the pool fails to retrieve a connection.

Finally, we can run our application by calling FlexyPoolDataSource:

public class FlexypoolDemoApplication {

    private static FlexyPoolDataSource<HikariDataSource> poolDataSource;

    public FlexypoolDemoApplication(FlexyPoolDataSource<HikariDataSource> poolDataSource) {
        FlexypoolDemoApplication.poolDataSource = poolDataSource;

    public static List<Employee> getEmployees() throws SQLException {
        String SQL_QUERY = "select * from emp";
        List<Employee> employees;
        try (Connection con = poolDataSource.getConnection(); PreparedStatement pst = con.prepareStatement(SQL_QUERY); ResultSet rs = pst.executeQuery();) {
            employees = new ArrayList<>();
            Employee employee;
            while (rs.next()) {
                employee = new Employee();
        return employees;

    public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException {
        SpringApplication.run(FlexypoolDemoApplication.class, args);
        List<Employee> employees = getEmployees();

5. Conclusion

In this article, we learned how to use FlexyPool with Spring Boot and H2 using the HikariCP connection pool.

First, we saw how to set up FlexyPool and configure it. Then we also understood how to monitor its metrics.

As always, the full source code is available over on GitHub.