1. Overview

In this short tutorial, we’ll see how to get the current ApplicationContext in a Spring application.

2. ApplicationContext

ApplicationContext represents the Spring IoC container that holds all the beans created by the application. It is responsible for instantiating, configuring, and creating the beans. Additionally, it gets the beans’ information from configuration metadata provided in XML or Java.

ApplicationContext represents the sub-interface of BeanFactory. In addition to the functionalities of BeanFactory, it includes features like message resolving and internationalization, resource loading, and event publishing. Furthermore, it has the functionality of loading multiple contexts.

Each bean is instantiated after the container has been started since it uses eager loading.

We may want to use this container to access other beans and resources in our application. We’ll learn two ways to get the current ApplicationContext reference in the Spring application.

3. ApplicationContext Bean

The simplest way to get the current ApplicationContext is by injecting it into our beans using the @Autowired annotation.

Firstly, let’s declare the instance variable and annotate it with the @Autowired annotation:

public class MyBean {

    private ApplicationContext applicationContext;

    public ApplicationContext getApplicationContext() {
        return applicationContext;

Instead of @Autowired, we could use the @Inject annotation.

To verify the container was properly injected, let’s create a test:

void whenGetApplicationContext_thenReturnApplicationContext(){
    ApplicationContext context = myBean.getApplicationContext();

4. ApplicationContextAware Interface

Another way to get the current context is by implementing the ApplicationContextAware interface. It contains the setApplicationContext() method, which Spring calls after creating ApplicationContext.

Furthermore, when an application starts, Spring automatically detects this interface and injects a reference to ApplicationContext.

Now, let’s create the ApplicationContextProvider class that implements the ApplicationContextAware interface:

public class ApplicationContextProvider implements ApplicationContextAware {
    private static ApplicationContext applicationContext;

    public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) throws BeansException {
        ApplicationContextProvider.applicationContext = applicationContext;

    public static ApplicationContext getApplicationContext() {
        return applicationContext;

We declared the applicationContext instance variable as static so we can access it in any class. Additionally, we created a static method for retrieving the reference to ApplicationContext.

Now, we can get the current ApplicationContext object by calling the static getApplicationContext() method:

void whenGetApplicationContext_thenReturnApplicationContext() {
    ApplicationContext context = ApplicationContextProvider.getApplicationContext();

Furthermore, by implementing the interface, a bean can obtain a reference to ApplicationContext and access other beans or resources.

To accomplish this, firstly, let’s create the ItemService class:

public class ItemService {
    // ...

Secondly, to get the ItemService bean from the context, let’s call the getBean() method on ApplicationContext:

void whenGetBean_thenReturnItemServiceReference() {
    ApplicationContext context = ApplicationContextProvider.getApplicationContext();

    ItemService itemService = context.getBean(ItemService.class);

5. Conclusion

In this short article, we learned how to get the current ApplicationContext in our Spring Boot application. To summarize, we could inject the ApplicationContext bean directly or implement the ApplicationContextAware interface.

As always, the entire source code can be found on GitHub.