1. Overview

In this quick tutorial, we’ll explore Spring’s @PathVariable annotation.

Simply put, the @PathVariable annotation can be used to handle template variables in the request URI mapping, and set them as method parameters.

Let’s see how to use @PathVariable and its various attributes.

2. A Simple Mapping

A simple use case of the @PathVariable annotation would be an endpoint that identifies an entity with a primary key:

public String getEmployeesById(@PathVariable String id) {
    return "ID: " + id;

In this example, we use the @PathVariable annotation to extract the templated part of the URI, represented by the variable {id}.

A simple GET request to /api/employees/{id} will invoke getEmployeesById with the extracted id value:

ID: 111

Now let’s further explore this annotation, and have a look at its attributes.

3. Specifying the Path Variable Name

In the previous example, we skipped defining the name of the template path variable since the names for the method parameter and the path variable were the same.

However, if the path variable name is different, we can specify it in the argument of the @PathVariable annotation:

public String getEmployeesByIdWithVariableName(@PathVariable("id") String employeeId) {
    return "ID: " + employeeId;
ID: 1

We can also define the path variable name as @PathVariable(value=”id”) instead of PathVariable(“id”) for clarity.

4. Multiple Path Variables in a Single Request

Depending on the use case, we can have more than one path variable in our request URI for a controller method, which also has multiple method parameters:

public String getEmployeesByIdAndName(@PathVariable String id, @PathVariable String name) {
    return "ID: " + id + ", name: " + name;
ID: 1, name: bar

We can also handle more than one @PathVariable parameter using a method parameter of type java.util.Map<String, String>:

public String getEmployeesByIdAndNameWithMapVariable(@PathVariable Map<String, String> pathVarsMap) {
    String id = pathVarsMap.get("id");
    String name = pathVarsMap.get("name");
    if (id != null && name != null) {
        return "ID: " + id + ", name: " + name;
    } else {
        return "Missing Parameters";
ID: 1, name: bar

There is, however, a small catch while handling multiple @PathVariable parameters when the path variable string contains a dot(.) character. We’ve discussed those corner cases in detail here.

5. Optional Path Variables

In Spring, method parameters annotated with @PathVariable are required by default:

@GetMapping(value = { "/api/employeeswithrequired", "/api/employeeswithrequired/{id}" })
public String getEmployeesByIdWithRequired(@PathVariable String id) {
    return "ID: " + id;

Given how it looks, the above controller should handle both /api/employeeswithrequired and /api/employeeswithrequired/1 request paths. However, since method parameters annotated by @PathVariables are mandatory by default, it doesn’t handle the requests sent to the /api/employeeswithrequired path:

{"timestamp":"2020-07-08T02:20:07.349+00:00","status":404,"error":"Not Found","message":"","path":"/api/employeeswithrequired"} 

We can handle this in two different ways.

5.1. Setting @PathVariable as Not Required

We can set the required property of @PathVariable to false to make it optional. Thus, modifying our previous example, we can now handle the URI versions with and without the path variable:

@GetMapping(value = { "/api/employeeswithrequiredfalse", "/api/employeeswithrequiredfalse/{id}" })
public String getEmployeesByIdWithRequiredFalse(@PathVariable(required = false) String id) {
    if (id != null) {
        return "ID: " + id;
    } else {
        return "ID missing";
ID missing

5.2. Using java.util.Optional

Since the introduction of Spring 4.1, we can also use java.util.Optional (available in Java 8+) to handle a non-mandatory path variable:

@GetMapping(value = { "/api/employeeswithoptional", "/api/employeeswithoptional/{id}" })
public String getEmployeesByIdWithOptional(@PathVariable Optional<String> id) {
    if (id.isPresent()) {
        return "ID: " + id.get();
    } else {
        return "ID missing";

Now if we don’t specify the path variable id in the request, we get the default response:

ID missing 

5.3. Using a Method Parameter of Type Map<String, String>

As shown earlier, we can use a single method parameter of type java.util.Map to handle all the path variables in the request URI. We can also use this strategy to handle the optional path variables case:

@GetMapping(value = { "/api/employeeswithmap/{id}", "/api/employeeswithmap" })
public String getEmployeesByIdWithMap(@PathVariable Map<String, String> pathVarsMap) {
    String id = pathVarsMap.get("id");
    if (id != null) {
        return "ID: " + id;
    } else {
        return "ID missing";

6. Default Value for @PathVariable

Out of the box, there isn’t a provision to define a default value for method parameters annotated with @PathVariable. However, we can use the same strategies discussed above to satisfy the default value case for @PathVariable, we just need to check for null on the path variable.

For instance, using java.util.Optional<String, String>, we can identify if the path variable is null or not. If it is null, then we can just respond to the request with a default value:

@GetMapping(value = { "/api/defaultemployeeswithoptional", "/api/defaultemployeeswithoptional/{id}" })
public String getDefaultEmployeesByIdWithOptional(@PathVariable Optional<String> id) {
    if (id.isPresent()) {
        return "ID: " + id.get();
    } else {
        return "ID: Default Employee";

7. Conclusion

In this article, we discussed how to use Spring’s @PathVariable annotation. We also identified the various ways to effectively use the @PathVariable annotation to suit different use cases, such as optional parameters and dealing with default values.

The code example shown in this article is also available over on Github.