1. Introduction
In Computer Science, a linked list is a linear data structure in which a pointer in each element determines the order. In this tutorial, we’ll show how to reverse a linked list.
2. Linked List Reversal
Each element of a linked list contains a data field to store the list data and a pointer field to point to the next element in the sequence. We can use a pointer to point to the start element of a linked list:
After we reverse the linked list, the will point to the last element of the original linked list, and the pointer of each element will point to the previous element of the original linked list:
3. Iterative Solution
Firstly, let’s solve a simpler version of the problem: reverse a linked list with two elements:
Suppose the pointer points to the second element and the
pointer points to the element before the
element, we can switch the link order between them with two operations:
For a linked list with more than two elements, we can traverse the linked list and use the same strategy to reverse the current element’s next pointer:
algorithm reverseListIteratively(head):
// head = The first element of a linked list
// Returns the head pointer of the reversed linked list
previous <- null
current <- head
while current is not null:
nextElement <- current.next
current.next <- previous
previous <- current
current <- nextElement
return previous
In this iterative algorithm, we first set the pointer as a
pointer and the
as the
. Then, in each iteration of the loop, we reverse the linked pointer of these two elements and shift the
pointers to the next two elements. In the end, the
pointer will point to the new head element of the reversed linked list.
Since each element only has one reference to the next element, we need another pointer, , to store the next element before changing the
The loop traverses the whole linked list once. Therefore, the running time of the iterative algorithm is , where
is the total number of elements of the linked list.
4. Recursive Solution
We can also solve the problem with a recursive solution. Let’s first consider a simpler case where we have reversed the rest of the linked list after the element:
We only need to reverse two elements: and
. At the beginning, the
pointer of the
. We should change that to make it point to
. Then, we need to change the next pointer of
element to
to finish the reversal:
We can extend this solution to a recursive algorithm of reversing a linked list staring with a element. Firstly, we can reverse the linked list starting with
element by recursively calling our reversal function. Then, the linked list becomes our simpler case. Therefore, we can reverse the last two elements,
, with the above two operations.
We can construct a recursive algorithm based on this approach:
algorithm reverseListRecursively(head):
// head = The first element of a linked list
// Returns the head pointer of the reversed linked list
if head is null:
return null
if head.next is null:
return head
node <- reverseListRecursively(head.next)
head.next.next <- head
head.next <- null
return node
In this recursive algorithm, we first check base cases where the input pointer is
or points to a single element. Then, we recursively call the
function on the
element to reverse the rest of the linked list. Finally, we reverse
elements to finish the reversal.
The recursive algorithm also traverses the whole linked list once. Therefore, the running time is , where
is the total number of elements of the linked list.
5. Conclusion
In this tutorial, we showed a sample linked list and its reversal. Also, we discussed two algorithms that can reverse a linked list in linear time.