1. Spring and Java

>> Getting Started with Jakarta Data and Hibernate [thorben-janssen.com]

Jakarta Data, a new specification in Jakarta EE 11: a repository abstraction on top of Jakarta Persistence and Jakarta NoSQL

>> Exploring New Features in JDK 23: Simplifying Java with Module Import Declarations with JEP 476 [foojay.io]

Are you tired of all those import statements in Java classes? Just use one single import statement to import everything from a module

>> How to map Java Enum to custom values with JPA and Hibernate [vladmihalcea.com]

And, let’s see how we can map Java Enum to custom values when using JPA and Hibernate

Also worth reading:

Webinars and presentations:

Time to upgrade:

2. Technical & Musings

>> Why is Kubernetes Debugging so Problematic? [foojay.io]

Demystifying the daunting task of debugging applications in K8S: guidelines and leveraging the right tools for debugging efficiently in K8S world

Also worth reading:

3. Pick of the Week

>> The Three Levels of Self-Awareness [markmanson.net]