1. Spring and Java

>> Bootiful Spring Boot 3.4: Spring Boot [spring.io]

Spring Boot 3.4 is out with oh-so-many new features and improvements – graceful shutdown is enabled by default, support for structured logging, support for multiple Docker Compose configuration files, SSL information available in a new Actuator endpoint, and more.

This release also has a lot of upgrades and deprecations, so it’s a good point to upgrade your Spring Boot version in preparation for the Spring Boot 4 release next year!

>> Reactive Real-Time Notifications with SSE, Spring Boot, and Redis Pub/Sub [infoq.com]

And a cool example of building a real-time notification system using the Server-Sent Events technology, Spring Webflux, and the Redis Pub-Sub messaging pattern.

Also worth reading:

Webinars and presentations:

Time to upgrade:

2. Technical & Musings

>> HTTP/3 support in Reactor 2024.0 Release Train [spring.io]

You can now try HTTP/3 with Reactor Netty 1.2 (as an experimental feature).

>> Langchain4J Musings [foojay.io]

A simple example of adding a chatbot into an application using Langchain4j as an LLM abstraction and a locally-run Ollama platform.

Also worth reading:

3. Pick of the Week

This is the first time Baeldung Pro is part of our Black Friday sale:

>> Baeldung Pro at 33% Off