1. Overview

Linux, an open-source operating system, is widely acclaimed for its robustness, flexibility, and security features. One key aspect of Linux’s security model is its user management system, which includes a special user named nobody.

In this tutorial, we aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of the nobody user in Linux, illustrated with practical examples and code snippets. By the end of this article, even someone with no prior knowledge of Linux will have a clear grasp of what the ‘nobody‘ user is and how it functions within the system.

2. Purpose of the nobody User

In Linux, the user management system is designed to control access and permissions for different users and groups. Each user has a unique User ID (UID) and belongs to one or more groups identified by Group IDs (GIDs). In essence, the root user, with UID 0, has unrestricted access to the system, while other users are assigned specific permissions based on their roles and requirements.

We can categorize Linux users broadly into three types:

  • regular users: these users are for individuals who need access to the system and they have limited permissions
  • system users: the operating system and services use system users to perform specific functions
  • special users: these include users like root and nobody, which have unique roles

However, the question remains; what is the nobody user? To answer this question and understand the purpose of this specific user, we need to understand its importance.

Accordingly, the nobody user is a special, predefined user account in Linux with minimal permissions. Furthermore, it’s typically assigned a high UID, often 65534, and belongs to a group named nogroup. Meanwhile, the nobody user is not intended for regular use; instead, it serves specific security purposes within the system.

In particular, the primary purpose of the nobody user is to enhance security by limiting the privileges of certain processes and services. By running these processes as nobody, the system ensures that they have the least possible access to files and resources. Consequently, this minimizes the potential damage that could occur if such a process were compromised.

3. Logging In as nobody User

Typically, logging in directly as the nobody user is neither necessary nor advisable due to its limited permissions. However, it’s possible to switch to the nobody user if needed for testing or other purposes.

3.1. Switching Users

One might wonder whether the nobody user is implemented on every Linux distro by default. Well, the nobody user is present by default on most Linux distributions, including popular ones like Ubuntu, CentOS, and Debian. In addition, we can check its existence in our system by using the id command:

$ id nobody
uid=65534(nobody) gid=65534(nogroup) groups=65534(nogroup)

Here, we notice that in our system we have the nobody implemented by default. Not only does it have a UID of 65534, but it also has a GID of the same value 65534.

An important remark is that we can’t just log in to the nobody user in Linux when we boot up our system. This is because this user does not have a password by design. Instead, we can log in as the root user that has superuser privileges to be able to switch to the nobody user.

Moreover, in case we log in with any other user in our system, we can still utilize the sudo command, which grants us superuser privileges, to switch to the nobody user.

Let’s switch to the nobody user using the sudo command:

$ sudo -u nobody -s
$ whoami

Now, we can verify that we are on a new shell for the nobody user after utilizing the whoami command.

3.2. Changing Passwords

As previously mentioned, we do not use a password to log in to the nobody user, however, we need to examine what drives this uncommon feature. Although we can technically create a password for the nobody user in Linux, it’s generally against all recommendations for several reasons:

  • security risk: the nobody user exists to run processes with minimal privileges, so, assigning a password opens the door for unauthorized access to this account, potentially increasing the damage if a service running under it gets compromised.
  • functionality issues: some systems might rely on the nobody user not having a password to function properly, hence, assigning a password could disrupt these processes

Therefore, changing the password of the nobody user is generally unnecessary because this user isn’t intended for direct login. However, if needed for specific security policies, we can set a password using the passwd command:

$ sudo passwd nobody
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully

This output indicates that the change of password for the nobody user was successful.

4. Examples and Use Cases

In this section, we’ll show several examples of how the nobody user can be beneficial to use when compared to other users.

4.1. Running Processes as nobody

One common use case for the nobody user is running untrusted or less secure processes. For example, the configuration of some web servers or applications might be to run as nobody to limit their access to the system.

Let’s check out a real-life example using a simple shell script:

$ echo "Running process as 'nobody'"
$ sudo -u nobody bash -c 'echo "This is running as: $(whoami)"'
Running process as 'nobody'
This is running as: nobody

This executes a command in a new shell, printing the current user. Moreover, this example demonstrates how to execute a command as the nobody user, verifying that the process is indeed running with limited permissions.

4.2. Changing File Ownership to nobody

Another use case is setting the ownership of certain files or directories to nobody to prevent unauthorized access. Particularly, this can be useful for temporary files or logs generated by a service that should not be accessible by regular users:

$ touch example_file.txt
$ sudo chown nobody:nogroup example_file.txt
$ ls -l example_file.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 nobody nogroup 0 Jul 14 12:00 example_file.txt

Let’s examine the snippet above:

  • we empty file named example_file.txt
  • we change the owner and group of the file to nobody and nogroup
  • lists the file with detailed information, including its owner

Clearly, this output shows that the owner of the file example_file.txt is the nobody user and the nogroup group.

4.3. Restricting Services Permissions

The configuration of some services can be to drop privileges and run with the nobody user after starting up. Normally, this practice is common for daemons that require root privileges to bind to ports but do not need those privileges for normal operation.

Let’s explore an example using a simple HTTP server:

$ sudo -u nobody python3 -m http.server 8080
Serving HTTP on port 8080 ( ...

This starts a simple HTTP server on port 8080. Next, the output shows how to start a web server with minimal permissions, reducing the risk of a security breach.

4.4. Utilization of NFS

We often use the nobody user in Network File System (NFS) setups, particularly for read-only mounts. Generally, NFS is a distributed file system protocol that allows a user on a client computer to access files over a network as if they were on local storage.

In NFS configurations, we use the nobody user to map all root requests to nobody when the root user accesses the NFS share. Moreover, this is to ensure that the root user on the client does not have superuser privileges on the server, adding an extra layer of security.

Let’s understand how to configure an NFS export to use nobody:

$ sudo exportfs -o ro,all_squash,anonuid=65534,anongid=65534 /srv/nfs/share
$ sudo systemctl restart nfs-kernel-server
$ sudo mount -t nfs /mnt

Next, we’ll explain the commands above:

  • configure the directory /srv/nfs/share on the machine running the command to be accessible by any machine in the subnet
  • restarts the NFS server service to ensure it’s ready to handle requests
  • mounts the exported share from the server ( to the /mnt directory on the current machine, making the shared files and directories accessible locally

Eventually, the nobody user will be the current owner of the files in this directory.

5. Conclusion

In this tutorial, the nobody user in Linux plays a crucial role in enhancing system security by running processes and owning files with minimal permissions. Through various examples and code snippets, we’ve explored how we can utilize the nobody user effectively.

Whether it’s running untrusted processes, restricting file access, managing service permissions, or securing NFS mounts, the nobody user is an essential tool in a system administrator’s toolkit.

By understanding and leveraging the nobody user, we can ensure that our Linux system remains secure and well-managed.