1. Introduction

As system administrators and network professionals, we’ve probably encountered the mysterious message “No more variables left in this MIB View” at some point. It often pops up when we use Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) commands to explore network devices or servers. But what does this message really mean? Is it an error or a warning? Do we need to act on it?

In this tutorial, we’ll demystify the “No more variables left in this MIB View” message.

First, we’ll understand SNMP and explore the Management Information Base (MIB) tree. Then, we’ll examine the significance of this message in various scenarios, especially on Ubuntu systems. Finally, we’ll discuss solving this message to help us get the most out of our SNMP setup. Let’s get started!

2. Understanding SNMP

SNMP is a cornerstone in the world of network management. Established over three decades ago, SNMP provides a standardized framework for monitoring and managing a wide range of network devices, such as routers, switches, and servers. Essentially, SNMP enables us to collect vital information about the performance and status of network devices to ensure that everything runs smoothly.

Furthermore, SNMP is more than just a monitoring tool. Born from the need to simplify the complicated task of network administration, SNMP has evolved into a comprehensive system that not only tracks the health and performance of our network devices but also facilitates real-time communication between them.

This means we’re not just passively receiving updates. We can also send commands to configure our devices or even update their firmware. By doing so, SNMP enables proactive management, allowing us to tackle issues before they become critical problems.

3. The MIB Tree and Object Identifiers

Before we can make sense of the “No more variables left in this MIB view” message, we need to understand a couple of key concepts associated with SNMP, namely the MIB tree and Object Identifiers (OIDs).

The MIB is essentially a hierarchical database of OIDs. Let’s think of it as the backbone that SNMP leans on.

The MIB tree serves as a map, defining the location of various information points within a device. Each node in this tree-like structure represents a specific aspect of the device we’re monitoring: CPU usage, network statistics, or even device temperature.

Additionally, in SNMP lingo, these nodes are uniquely identified by OIDs. The OIDs follow a numerical sequence, representing a path from the root to the leaf node. For example, the OID for a particular CPU statistic could be .

When we use SNMP commands, we traverse this MIB tree, querying different OIDs to collect the information we’re after.

4. The snmpwalk Command

Now that we have some understanding of SNMP, let’s focus on the snmpwalk command, which is often the culprit behind the enigmatic message “No more variables left in this MIB view“.

The snmpwalk command retrieves a subtree of management values, essentially walking us through the MIB tree from a specific starting OID to wherever the tree ends or until we hit some set restrictions. The command uses several parameters, like the SNMP version to use, the community name, and the target device’s IP address:


Let’s see an example:

$ snmpwalk -v 2c -c public
SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr.0 = STRING: Linux localhost 4.4.0-96-generic #119-Ubuntu SMP
SNMPv2-MIB::sysObjectID.0 = OID: netSnmpAgentOIDs.10

Here, SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr.0 and SNMPv2-MIB::sysObjectID.0 are individual data points that provide a more comprehensive view of the system’s characteristics and capabilities. We’ll often examine multiple returned objects to thoroughly understand a device’s status and configuration.

Let’s better understand our interaction here:

  • -v 2c – specifies the SNMP version to use, which in this case is version 2c
  • -c public – sets the community string to public acting like a password and provides a level of security
  • address of the target device we wish to query
  • SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr.0 = STRING: Linux localhost 4.4.0-96-generic #119-Ubuntu SMP – indicates that the system description (sysDescr) of the device is a Linux machine running kernel version 4.4.0-96-generic on Ubuntu and the .0 at the end of sysDescr signifies a scalar object (a single object rather than a table)
  • SNMPv2-MIB::sysObjectID.0 = OID: netSnmpAgentOIDs.10sysObjectID is another SNMP object, and its value is an OID that uniquely identifies the network service on the device

In short, when we run the snmpwalk command, the SNMP agent iterates through its MIB according to the query and returns the results one line at a time. Each line represents a specific SNMP object from the device’s MIB.

As seen in our example, these objects can give us various details about the device, such as its description, status, or other statistical data.

5. The “No more variables left in this MIB View” Message

When we execute the snmpwalk command, as discussed in our previous interaction, and encounter the message “No more variables left in this MIB View,” it’s important to understand that this isn’t an error message. Instead, it’s an informational statement from the SNMP agent on the device we’re querying.

This message is the SNMP agent’s way of telling us that it has reached the end of the MIB subtree we’re walking through. Essentially, it’s like reaching the end of a chapter in a book, and it doesn’t mean there’s a problem. It just means we have read everything there is in that specific section.

6. SNMP Views and Their Importance

Now that we’ve deciphered the message, let’s dive into the concept of SNMP views.

An SNMP view is a filter controlling access to certain parts of the MIB tree. By defining a view, we can specify which parts of the MIB tree are available for querying and which are not. This is crucial for both security and performance reasons.

In many systems, especially Ubuntu, the default SNMP configuration includes a limited view, often called systemonly. This view restricts access to only a small subset of the MIB tree – usually just enough to identify the device type and some basic operational metrics. The configuration for a typical systemonly view might look like this:

view systemonly included .
view systemonly included .

Here, the two lines specify that only the branches under . and . are accessible. Anything beyond that, and we’ll hit the “No more variables left” message because, according to the systemonly view, there’s nothing more to query.

7. Expanding SNMP Access

The good news is that a straightforward way to lift this viewing restriction is by editing the SNMP configuration file, usually found at /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf. We can edit this file using a text editor like nano or vim. We’ll also need administrative privileges (sudo) to edit the file:

$ sudo nano /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf

In this file, we’ll see the line “rocommunity public default -V systemonly“. We can simply remove the “-V systemonly” part to make it “rocommunity public default“. This action allows the SNMP agent to access more than just the basic system-related OIDs.

Afterward, we save the file, exit the text editor and restart the SNMP service for it to take effect:

$ sudo systemctl restart snmpd

By doing this, we’re removing those blinders we discussed earlier. However, opening up our SNMP views means potentially exposing more sensitive information. We should always weigh the risks and benefits in the context of our network and security posture.

8. SNMP Security Considerations

We just explored how to broaden the scope of what our SNMP agent can access. But, like many things in the tech world, there’s a balance to be struck – especially regarding security. Opening up access to SNMP data is helpful for us, but it can also benefit someone with malicious intent. So, let’s take a minute to address some of the security considerations involved.

First, SNMP itself isn’t the most secure protocol out there. Version 1 and Version 2c don’t offer encryption, meaning anyone who can access our network might be able to eavesdrop on the SNMP data we’re sending and receiving.

That’s why SNMPv3 is generally recommended. It provides both encryption and authentication, offering a much more secure approach:

$ snmpwalk -v 3 -u [username] -l [security level] -a [authentication protocol] -A [auth passphrase] -x [privacy protocol] -X [privacy passphrase] localhost

Here, the flags -u, -l, -a, -A, -x, and -X set the security options for SNMPv3. We should replace the bracketed terms with our settings. Once set, SNMPv3 ensures our SNMP data is secure during transmission.

Furthermore, we can control access at the network level. We should configure our firewalls and routers to limit SNMP traffic to trusted IP addresses. This adds an extra layer of defense, preventing unauthorized access to our SNMP data:

# Example iptables rule to allow SNMP access only from
$ sudo iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 161 -s -j ACCEPT
$ sudo iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 161 -j DROP

In this example, we’re using iptables to allow SNMP access only from the IP address and dropping SNMP packets from all other addresses. We should tailor this to our network settings.

9. Conclusion

In this article, we unraveled the significance of the “No more variables left in this MIB View” message in SNMP on Linux.

Starting with understanding SNMP and the structure of the MIB tree, we delved into the snmpwalk command and the specific scenario where this message commonly appears. We established that it’s not an error but rather a signal that we’ve reached the end of our MIB tree.

Finally, we discussed the vital security aspect of SNMP, balancing the need for comprehensive data access against the risks of exposing sensitive system information.