1. Overview

In this tutorial, we’ll discuss the problem of finding the local minimum in a 2D NxN matrix.

First, we’ll define the problem and provide an example that explains it.

Second, we’ll present a naive approach and then improve it to obtain a better solution.

2. Defining the Problem

Suppose we have a 2D matrix of size NxN that consists of NxN distinct integers. Our task is to find a local minimum in the given matrix.

Recall that a local minimum in a \textbf{2D} matrix is the cell that has a value smaller than all its adjacent neighboring cells.

A cell has four adjacent neighboring cells if it’s inside the matrix. Furthermore, it has three adjacent neighboring cells if it’s on the border of the matrix. Finally, it has only two adjacent neighboring cells if positioned on any corner of the matrix.

Let’s check an example for better understanding. Suppose we have the following 2D matrix of size 4x4:


As we can see, there are three local minimum cells in our example:

  1. Cell (1, 1), because all of its two adjacent neighboring cells have a value greater than 1.
  2. Cell (2, 3), because all of its four adjacent neighbor cells have a value greater than 2.
  3. Cell (4, 3), because all of its three adjacent neighbor cells have a value greater than 8.

Therefore, the answer to our example could be any cell of these three local minimum cells.

3. Naive Approach

3.1. Main Idea

The main idea here is to always move to the smallest adjacent neighbor cell with a value smaller than the current cell value until we reach a local minimum.

To iterate over our matrix, we’ll use DFS (Depth First Search). Each time we reach a cell, we’ll check whether it’s a local minimum, which means that we’re done because we found a local minimum in the given 2D matrix. Otherwise, we’ll move to the cell with the smallest value among all the adjacent cells that have a value smaller than the current cell value.

Eventually, this must terminate because moving to a cell with a value smaller than the current cell value cannot go on forever.

3.2. Implementation

Let’s take a look at the implementation:

algorithm FindLocalMinimumNaive(N, M):
    // INPUT
    //    N = the length of the matrix side
    //    M = the input NxN matrix
    // OUTPUT
    //    Returns a local minimum in the given matrix M

    function GetNextCell(current, M):
        x <- current.row
        y <- current.column
        value <- M[x, y]
        next_cell <- current
        if x > 1 and value > M[x - 1, y]:
            value <- M[x - 1, y]
            next_cell <- Cell(x - 1, y)
        if y > 1 and value > M[x, y - 1]:
            value <- M[x, y - 1]
            next_cell <- Cell(x, y - 1)
        if x < len(M) and value > M[x + 1, y]:
            value <- M[x + 1, y]
            next_cell <- Cell(x + 1, y)
        if y < len(M[0]) and value > M[x, y + 1]:
            value <- M[x, y + 1]
            next_cell <- Cell(x, y + 1)
        return next_cell

    function FindLocalMinimum(current):
        next_cell <- GetNextCell(current, M)
        if next_cell = current:
            return current
            return FindLocalMinimum(next_cell)

Initially, we declare the Get \_ Next \_ Cell function that will return the smallest adjacent neighbor cell with a value smaller than the current cell value. For each cell, there are four possible adjacent cells we have to check.

First, we’ll declare x and y values representing the current row (current. row) and the current column (current. column), respectively. Then we declare value, which represents the value of the smallest adjacent cell. Initially, we assign the value of the current cell to it. Finally, we declare the next \_ cell, which will represent the smallest adjacent cell. To begin, it’ll be equal to the current cell.

Next we’ll check whether the current row index is greater than 1, which means a cell above the current one. Then we’ll check whether that cell’s value is smaller than the minimum value that we got so far. If so, we’ll update the next \_ cell to be equal to the cell located above the current cell. We do the same process for the left, right, and down adjacent cells.

In the end, we return the next \_ cell that we’ll move to in the next DFS traversal.

Then we declare the Find \_ Local \_ Minimum function, which returns the local minimum in the given matrix. To start, we get the next \_ cell that we’ll move to in the next DFS call. Second, we’ll check whether next \_ cell equals the current cell, which means that the current cell is a local minimum because it has no adjacent cell that has a value smaller than the value of the current cell. Otherwise, we move to the next \_ cell  in our DFS traversal.

3.3. Complexity

The complexity of this approach is the same as the DFS complexity, which is \boldsymbol{ O(V + E) = O(N^2) } , where V is the number of cells and E is the number of transitions. Thus, it’s O(N^2) because the number of cells is N^2, while the number of transitions is a little less than 4 N^2. The reason behind this complexity is that we’ll iterate over each cell once in the worst-case scenario. Therefore, we iterate over its adjacent neighbors. In total, we iterate over each transition once as well.

4. Divide-and-Conquer Approach

4.1. Main Idea

We’ll divide the given matrix into four quadrant sub-matrices. We can guarantee that our local minimum will be inside one of these four sub-matrices. To find in which sub-matrix our local minimum exists, we’ll iterate over the middle \_ row and the middle \_ column to get the cell that has the smallest value among all of the values in the middle \_ row and the middle \_ column.

After we get the cell with the smallest value, we’ll get the next \_ cell (smallest adjacent cell) of it. Now the sub-matrix that has the next \_ cell will also have the local minimum in it. This is true because if the local minimum is in another sub-matrix, it means we have to cross the middle \_ row or the middle \_ column, and that’s impossible because we’ve picked the cell that has the smallest value among all the middle \_ row and the middle \_ column cells.

Let’s take a look at the following example for better understanding:


We take Cell(3, 5) = 16, which has the smallest value among all the middle \_ row and the middle \_ column cells. Then we get the next \_ cell of it which is Cell(4, 5) = 15. So we can guarantee that the local minimum will be inside the Bottom-Left sub-matrix. Therefore, we solve our problem for the Bottom-Left sub-matrix and repeat the same process.

4.2. Implementation

Let’s take a look at the implementation:

algorithm FindLocalMinimumDivideConquer(N, M):
    // INPUT
    //    N = the length of the matrix side
    //    M = the input NxN matrix
    // OUTPUT
    //    Returns a local minimum in the given matrix M

    function FindLocalMinimum(M):
        middle_row <- len(M) / 2
        middle_column <- len(M[1]) / 2
        min_cell <- Min(GetMinInRow(middle_row, M), GetMinInColumn(middle_column, M))

        next_cell <- GetNextCell(min_cell, M)

        if next_cell = min_cell:
            return min_cell
        else if next_cell.row < middle_row:
            if next_cell.column < middle_column:
                return FindLocalMinimum(Top-Left Sub-Matrix)
                return FindLocalMinimum(Top-Right Sub-Matrix)
            if next_cell.column < middle_column:
                return FindLocalMinimum(Bottom-Left Sub-Matrix)
                return FindLocalMinimum(Bottom-Right Sub-Matrix)

Initially, we declare the Find \_ Local \_ Minimum function that’ll take the given matrix and return a local minimum cell in it.

Then we declare the indices of the middle \_ row and middle \_ column. After that, we declare the min \_ cell, representing the cell that has the smallest value among all the cells that lay in the middle \_ row and middle \_ column. To do that, we use the Get \_ Min \_ In \_ Row, and Get \_ Min \_ In \_ Column functions that return the minimum value in a certain row or column, respectively.

We’ll get the next \_ cell of the min \_ cell as we did in the previous approach to know in which sub-matrix our local minimum is located.

Now we’ll check if the next \_ cell is equal to the min \_ cell. In this case, it means the min \_ cell is a local minimum, so we return it and finish the algorithm at this point.

However, if the next \_ cell. row is less than the middle \_ row, it means that our local minimum is either in the Top-Left or Top-Right sub-matrices. Therefore, we have to check whether the next \_ cell. column is less than middle \_ column, meaning we have a local minimum in the Top-Left sub-matrix. Otherwise, it’ll be in the Top-Right sub-matrix.

Finally, we’ll check if the next \_ cell. row is greater than or equal to the middle \_ row, which means that our local minimum is either in the Bottom-Left or Bottom-Right sub-matrices. We check it in the same manner as we did in the previous conditions.

4.3. Complexity

The complexity here is \boldsymbol{ O(N) }. Let’s examine the reason behind this complexity.

In the first call, we iterate over 2N cells to get the min \_ cell. However, in the second call, we iterate over \frac{2N}{2} cells. After that, we iterate over \frac{2N}{4} cells, and so on.

So the total number of iterations will be equal to \sum^{N}_{i=1} \frac {2N} {i} \approx 4N, which means the complexity is \boldsymbol{ O(N) }.

5. Conclusion

In this article, we presented the problem of finding a local minimum in a 2D matrix. We explained the general idea and discussed two approaches.

First, we explained the naive one. Then we improved it to get the D\&C approach, which was much faster than the first one.