1. Overview

In this tutorial, we’ll discuss multiplexing and demultiplexing techniques. Furthermore, we’ll present the basic idea behind these techniques and highlight some popular variants.

Finally, we’ll list some important advantages and disadvantages of both techniques.

2. Introduction to the Transport Layer

The transport layer is part of the OSI model and provides crucial services. Furthermore, it provides end-to-end communication services for applications running on different hosts. Additionally, its principal function is to guarantee the integrity of information sent between programs hosted on various machines, with features such as error detection, flow control, and congestion control.

Moreover, one of the crucial responsibilities of this layer is multiplexing and demultiplexing. Multiplexing involves combining multiple data streams into a single transmission channel. On the other hand, demultiplexing involves separating a single transmission channel into multiple data streams at the receiving end.

Furthermore, Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) are two of the most popular examples of transport layer protocols. TCP provides reliable, connection-oriented communication. In contrast to TCP, UDP is connectionless and provides unreliable, best-effort delivery of data. Generally, applications such as email, file transfer, and web browsing typically use TCP for reliable data transfer. Additionally, applications prioritizing speed and low latency, such as video streaming, utilize UDP.

3. Multiplexing

3.1. Introduction

We use the multiplexing technique in telecommunications and networking. Additionally, it combines multiple data streams into a single channel. Furthermore, it allows multiple signals to share a single transmission medium:

MUX Example

Specifically, the primary purpose of multiplexing is to increase the capacity of the transmission medium, which could be a physical wire, a fiber optic cable, or even a wireless channel. Instead of dedicating separate channels to each signal, multiplexing allows several signals to share a single channel. In this way, it makes more efficient use of the available bandwidth.

Furthermore, we can use multiplexing in various communication systems, including telephone networks, cable TV, and satellite communications. Moreover, it’s an essential technique for improving the efficiency of communication channels.

3.2. Types

There’re several types of multiplexing used in communication systems. Let’s discuss some of them.

Time-division multiplexing (TDM) is a popular variant of multiplexing. In TDM, we first divide the available bandwidth of the communication channel into time slots. Furthermore, we assign each input signal to a specific time slot. Therefore, the input signals are then transmitted sequentially, one after the other, in their assigned time slots:

TDMA Example

Another widely used variant is frequency-division multiplexing (FDM). In FDM, we divide the available bandwidth of the communication channel into multiple frequency bands. Additionally, we assign each input signal to a specific frequency band. Moreover, the input signals are then transmitted simultaneously, each in their assigned frequency band:

FDM Example

Wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) is another technique that is similar to FDM but used in optical communication systems. In WDM, in order to allocate each input signal to a wavelength band, we split the possible bandwidth of an optical fiber into a number of wavelength bands:

WDM Example

Overall, we use these techniques to improve the effectiveness and scalability of communication networks by enabling the transmission of numerous signals over a single channel.

3.3. Advantages and Disadvantages

Let’s see some advantages and disadvantages of multiplexing:



Allows multiple data streams to be transmitted over a single channel

Can be complex. Hence, require specialized equipment and expertise to implement

Reduces the cost of transmitting data

Can limit the flexibility of a system. Therefore, as all data streams must be compatible with the same channel

Reduces the amount of time required to transmit data

If the multiplexing system fails, all data streams transmitted over the channel will be affected

Allows more data to be transmitted over a given bandwidth

Can increase latency, as data streams may have to wait to be transmitted over the channel

4. Demultiplexing

4.1. Introduction

Demultiplexing is the process of separating and directing individual data streams combined for transmission over a shared communication channel or medium. In other words, demultiplexing is the reverse process of multiplexing:

DEMUX Example

In communication, we use multiplexing to increase data transmission efficiency over a shared medium by combining multiple signals or data streams into a single stream. Conversely, we use demultiplexing to separate the combined signals into their individual data streams at the receiving end.

Additionally, several methods exist for carrying out demultiplexing, each suited to a certain set of circumstances involving the data and its transport medium. Specifically, we can use specialized hardware, such as a demultiplexer IC, to separate the input stream into multiple output streams. Additionally, we can utilize software devices to analyze the input data and determine which output channel it should be routed to.

In summary, demultiplexing is an essential process in communication that allows for the efficient transmission of multiple data streams over a shared medium by separating and directing them to their intended destinations.

4.2. Types

There’re several types of demultiplexing, including 1-to-2 demultiplexing, 1-to-4 demultiplexing, 1-to-8 demultiplexing and 1-to-16 demultiplexing:
Types of DEMUX

Generally, we use 1-to-2 demultiplexing and 1-to-4 demultiplexing when the number of destinations is limited and the signal routing is straightforward. However, for applications that require complex signal routing, we can utilize 1-to-8 demultiplexing and 1-to-16 demultiplexing techniques.

Furthermore, we can classify demultiplexers based on their construction, such as transistor-transistor logic (TTL) and complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) demultiplexers. Additionally, the choice of type depends on the application requirements, such as speed, power consumption, and the number of inputs and outputs needed.

4.3. Advantages and Disadvantages

Let’s see some advantages and disadvantages of demultiplexing:



Allows data streams to be separated and sent to their respective destinations, ensuring data isolation

Can limit the scalability of a system. Hence, adding or removing data streams may require significant changes to the system

Reduces the likelihood of errors occurring during data transmission

Equipment can be costly, particularly for systems with large numbers of data streams

Allows a system to be easily scaled up or down, as new data streams can be added or removed from the system without affecting the existing data streams

May not provide sufficient security for all data streams. Therefore, different data streams may require different security protocols

Allows different security protocols to be applied to different data streams, enhancing the overall security of the system

Provides limited scalability and complex to implement

5. Conclusion

In this tutorial, we discussed multiplexing and demultiplexing techniques. Furthermore, we presented the basic idea behind these techniques and highlighted some popular variants. Finally, we listed some important advantages and disadvantages of both techniques.